Bartending Jobs

Becoming a bartender will give you the opportunity to meet new people every time you go to work and you will actually have the ability to enjoy interacting with your customers, along with having a blast while you are working. It is not everyday that someone gets to enjoy themselves at work, the way that

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Presentation Skills

Success in an interview often comes down to how well you can present yourself and your material. You may also find that for more senior posts you are expected to give a presentation – which could be on any subject from the company’s last fiscal year to the first 5 years of your life! Here

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Living Without Work

Suddenly finding yourself without work can be an uncomfortable lifestyle change. Your routine has gone out of the window and you have long days to fill. This stage can be the hardest part of losing your job, you have got over the initial shock and you are looking for a new job but the prospect

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Job interviews – preparation

The most important thing to bear in mind when being headhunted is that although they know you are good you have to impress in your interview and generally the headhunting company will do the first interview and if that doesn’t go well that very well could be it!

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Headhunting Private Medical

When headhunting within the healthcare industry or for cosmetic surgery and other kinds of aesthetic surgery, we are experts in putting together the people who have the skills with the people who need those skills. Headhunters will ensure that you get exactly the right people for the job you need them to do, by actively

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Your job search options

Trying to find a job can be an incredibly scary process, especially if you don’t know where to start… and there are so many places to find out about job vacancies. Our list of job search options should help you to find that perfect job.

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Top 10 CV Tips

Creating the perfect CV can be a challenge. Not only are you are relying on two pages to convey your personality, skills and experience but in today’s economy you’re up against more competition than ever.

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Your employment questions answered

Q. Since our company underwent a 16-month restructuring programme, the whole dynamic of our department has changed. There have been several redundancies and promotions and ­ as a result ­ trust among us is at an all-time low. We feel like the survivors of war. Everyone seems to be out for themselves alone.

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Careers In Web Design

With almost every business and organisation in the country having its own website, there is an ongoing need for designers who can create well-constructed and effective websites to provide information. Many companies now trade over the internet; mail order companies, in particular, create large, sophisticated sites that complement their printed catalogues.

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Careers In Marketing

A career in marketing can offer you lots of possibilities for variety and interest. Any reasonably sized company or organisation today relies on marketing communications to get their message out to customers and it is one of the strongest sectors of the UK economy.

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