Resume Red Flags

The resume has sprouted a new pair of wings. Since the dawn of digital documents, companies are accessing resumes at record volumes and speeds. Because of this, the task of screening resumes is not getting any easier. Recruiters and hiring managers need to find the good ones, fast, while maintaining high standards of screening and

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How To Turn “Off” A Recruiter

Searching for a job can be a grueling process for many.  Oftentimes jobseekers become frustrated with the resume “black-hole,” lack of response from recruiters or going through multiple rounds of interviews and not landing that perfect job. These annoyances, and in some cases, lack of professionalism on the part of the employer, can drive a

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Headhunting from a candidate perspective

Many people think that a Headhunting company is just for executive and director level employment opportunites, however a headhunter can be used by any company for any level of job vacancy they have to fill – the goal is the same whatever level and whatever field/industry – get the best candidate for the job!

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Headhunting Private Medical

When headhunting within the healthcare industry or for cosmetic surgery and other kinds of aesthetic surgery, we are experts in putting together the people who have the skills with the people who need those skills. Headhunters will ensure that you get exactly the right people for the job you need them to do, by actively

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Your guide to interview success!

Interviews strike fear into most people, regardless of age and experience, but as an essential requirement of getting a job they have to be faced. And with careful preparation and practice there is no reason why you cannot approach your next interview with a high degree of confidence.

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Your job search options

Trying to find a job can be an incredibly scary process, especially if you don’t know where to start… and there are so many places to find out about job vacancies. Our list of job search options should help you to find that perfect job.

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Your cover letter is the first chance you have to ‘wow’ your employer, so best to make the most of it. Use the opportunity to make personal contact and create a link between you and the job offered, enticing the reader to want to know more about you by looking through your detailed CV.

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Make Employers Come to You

Utilizing job listings, networking with people in your industry (and in other industries), and applying to companies you want to work at–these are all great ways to go after a job. But how can you make employers and recruiters come after you? We asked Career Rocketeer’s Chris Perry, a career-search and personal-branding expert, for five

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5 Subtle Ways to Sabotage a Job Interview

We all know that showing up late to an interview or dressing inappropriately can ruin your chances for a job. But what about the more subtle ways you might unexpectedly sabotage your job interview? Don’t let it happen to you! Here are ten common subconscious mistakes that many people don’t even know they’re making.

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A Polished Appearance Pays Off for Candidates

If you’re actively job hunting, paying close attention to your image is as crucial as the scrutiny you give to other facets of your campaign. For instance, you have probably agonized over multiple versions of your resume, attended job-search seminars, identified your key skills and rehearsed what you plan to say in interviews about your

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Taking the first offer?

First, let’s get something straight. There’s nothing wrong with taking the first job you’re offered, as long as it’s the ‘right’ job. And what with parental pressures (“We’re not supporting you any more”, “It’s time you found your own place” etc), the burden of student debts and the desire to join your peers on the

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Starting salary

“Can you give us some idea of your salary expectation?” is the question that strikes fear into the heart of every interviewee. Just how do you answer? Pitch it too high and you look unrealistic and overly confident, pitch it too low and you undervalue both yourself and your ability to do the job.  

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To truly assess a job offer, you need to look at the whole package rather than just the size of the first pay cheque. Are you being offered the following perks?

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Company presentations

Company presentations are rarely a formal part of the employer selection process, but they are your crucial chance to add a face and personality to a paper CV.So what are the golden rules for impressing employers over a vol-au-vent or two?

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