First, let’s review the purpose of a cover letter.  A cover letter “marries” your resume to the open position.  Put yourself in the position of a hiring manager.  If you received several resumes per day would you want to review each one and attempt to match them up to the positions open within your company?  A

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Building Your CV

A good CV should be specific to the position applied for and accurately represent you and your skills. Having analysed the position that you are applying for, you will need to adjust your CV to highlight the most relevant facts first.

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Assessing A Job Offer

You’ve applied for a new role and so impressed the employer that they offer you the job But wait – are you sure this is the right role for you?  To help you find out we’ve drawn up a list of questions.  Some will be more important to you than others, but saying “No” to

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Exercises To Help You Retain Your Memory

Memory is a wonderful attribute of being human. It makes us who we are since we use it to retain knowledge about our past experiences. Without it we would not be capable of learning new skills and retaining information necessary to become a productive member of our world. To help deal with the frustrations that

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Acting Career Tips

Preparing for an audition also includes having a resume and a few headshot pictures. This is because aside from performing your monologue or reading from a script, cast directors want to know how you look on camera or on stage as well as your previous work experiences. To help you, here are few tips.

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Bartending Jobs

Becoming a bartender will give you the opportunity to meet new people every time you go to work and you will actually have the ability to enjoy interacting with your customers, along with having a blast while you are working. It is not everyday that someone gets to enjoy themselves at work, the way that

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Ways To Get More Done During Your Job Search

Organization is an ability that can be acquired or learned by everyone. The terribly hard part is breaking away from your constant habits of cluttering such as piled up paperwork and scattered documents. The solution to organization is by starting with just one step at a time. You will be surprised that all the clutter

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Mid-Life Career Crisis

These days the concept of a “mid-life crisis” has become a bit of a cliché. Yet to millions of workers in their 40s and 50s, a career crisis, often characterized by a lingering “dead” sensation or the sudden realization that “things aren’t working anymore,” is all too real.

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Jobs in United Kingdom

London is a prosperous city in trade and commerce as well as economics and management. Jobs in London aren’t just numerous but also pay well when it comes to basic compensation and human right. Many do think jobs are often given to those who are more experienced or more intelligent. Though this may be true

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Getting Noticed during MBA Entrance Interview

When the students pass their graduation level course and go forward for a Masters degree in business and administration, they must be aware of the facts and challenges that may come along their path. Getting into good MBA college is not that much easy. One has to clear CAT, GMAT or some similar exam to get qualified

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