Ways to Save Money

Losing your job has an immediate impact on your financial situation. If you have some warning about redundancy or dismissal you can put some financial plans in place to cope. If you are already out of work you may feel the need for a more radical approach. So what are the practical ways you can

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Living Without Work

Suddenly finding yourself without work can be an uncomfortable lifestyle change. Your routine has gone out of the window and you have long days to fill. This stage can be the hardest part of losing your job, you have got over the initial shock and you are looking for a new job but the prospect

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Careers In Marketing

A career in marketing can offer you lots of possibilities for variety and interest. Any reasonably sized company or organisation today relies on marketing communications to get their message out to customers and it is one of the strongest sectors of the UK economy.

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Interviews – Mansur Khawar

Mansur Khawar, 30, had tried his hand at a number of things – including writing, decorating, and pupil barrister – before joining headhunting firm Armstrong International in February 1998. He tells us why the headhunting business is the one that really stimulates him

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Jack Welch Speaks

Summary Jack Welch Speaks is precisely what its title suggests: a collection of quotations from the chairman of General Electric Corporation (GE), one of the biggest companies in the world. These quotations are arranged by subject and deal partly with his own life, but mainly with his competitive, ruthless style of management, making it a

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Going freelance

For many people, going freelance seems an attractive idea but an impracticable reality. The benefits – no-one to complain if you need a lie-in, for instance – are overshadowed by the uncertainties. You might be able to give up your monthly pay packet, but could you survive without an office Christmas party? Catherine Masterman, a

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Faking it on your CV

Richard Li, the Hong Kong tycoon, has had a spot of bother with investors recently. They are claming they invested with a man they believed to have a degree from ivy-league university Stanford. Mr Li has admitted having no such qualification, and now faces a potential suit over allegations of misrepresentation. It seems strange that

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So You Want to be an Expat? How to Get a Job Abroad

At some point or another, almost everyone has fantasized about packing up and spending some time in another country. Maybe you’ve got the itch to live in a different climate, to try different foods or to become bilingual. Whatever the reason, if you’ve decided you’re ready to give things a try in another country, you likely have one major concern: employment.

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