When preparing for a job interview, there are some things you should never say or do. Keep in mind that you should free up your thoughts and focus on your skills, qualifications and the job role you are applying for. No employer wants to really hear your life’s story or your vacation plans or anything that is not related to the job you applied for. They are only interested in whether you are the best candidates for that position.
If you feel you do not have all the qualifications they require, do not lie. Just come out plain and make them see why they would need you in their organization. Avoid being negative about your former employer. In short, sharing too much information in an interview may cost you the offer. Be precise.
With the high rate of unemployment in our society today, getting to the interview room is always hard work. So, once you are seated there, in front of your potential employer, you do not want to ruin everything.

This post stands to show the several things that should not be done or said in a job interview. From showing up late to forgetting a copy of your credentials to accidentally stating a wrong information about the company interviewing you that you should have known. You may be forgiven on some instances but on some, you sure won’t. Besides, you do not want to take the risk of making any mistakes right?
Let’s take a look below at the things you dare not say in an interview and the behavioral or body language mistakes you should avoid in your next job interview.
1. I really hate my job. Or you say, I really hated my former job. That’s a signal that you will hate this new job in a very short while if hired. Do not talk bad about your former boss because he may be called as a referee to defend your reliability. Be careful how you present issues at your former place of work ‘if asked’. If not asked, please keep your lips closed.
2. I have a program/function to attend in a few weeks time. I have seen people take permission to be absent for one reason or another in a job that they are not even sure of their being hired. Do not, do not ever try that. When you do, that sends the HR a clear message that you will always be absent.
3. How much does this job pay? No interviewer will get a better message than you being interested in the money than the growth of the organization you are being interviewed for. Ask meaningful growth inspiring questions.
4. Are there vacations? I usually advice people to get a contract letter from the organization first before asking questions. Asking questions are good but you would not be forced to sign a contract that does not suit you at the end of the whole interview process. At that point, you can object or re-negotiate your term of contract with the employer. If you must ask, you can ask an old staff, get friendly and stylishly throw in the question. I think that will be safer.
5. I really need this job. Oh! please! Don’t! Never you come out as being desperate. You will be served coffee on a leaf. Your potential employer would offer you less than what you deserve.
6. I do not have all the experience you need, but I can learn quick. I always advice here, let the employer figure that out on their own and focus on your skills rather than dwelling on your incapabilities and weaknesses.
7. It is on my resume. Say it again. The interviewer wants to hear it directly from you. Your resume may be manipulated you know. Also, ‘I don’t know’ is not an answer.
8. Do not be late.
9. Keep it professional and polite.
10. Remember to keep it professional and polite. Do not go asking about Friday nights dating co-workers or holiday parties in an interview.
11. Do not reschedule interview dates. For the worlds sake, Say you’ll be there and be there on time.
12. What do you do at this company? If I were to be the interviewer, I would walk this candidate out immediately. Before attending any interview, make sure to research about the organization very well in order to know how to sweep them off their feet, maybe!
13. I don’t have any question. Make sure to ask at least one reasonable question like, ‘asides the usual duties of the role I am applying for, what other duties integrated with the help of relevant departments to increase growth and profit marginalization?’ The employer will notice how you are growth minded and would not forget you in a rush.
14. I’ll like to take this call. Taking phone calls in an interview is totally wrong. Letting your cell phone ring out loud is a big turn off to interviewers. It displays your lack of focus to a particular task. Try switching off your phone or better still place it on silent mode if keeping it on is so important.
15. Do not condemn anything that has already been put in place at your prospective place of work. Instead, commend the efforts of those that brought up the idea and make your own suggestions. Be careful with suggestions as well because they may end up to be criticizing or totally condemning.
16. When asked what you expect to enjoy about the role you are applying for, just go straight to making the interviewers feel the excitement in how you will learn a lot and use the experience to effect changes and growth in the organization.
Having had those points above listed out, we should also bear in mind that some of the actions we possess and display may be totally wrong.
(i) Make Eye Contacts: According to psychologists, keeping a good eye contact shows great confidence. This can be easily read if you are avoiding eye contact. Once you try to stare at something over the shoulder of your interviewer, they will notice and your confidence radar in their mark sheets will drop automatically.