Application no-nos

Potential, experience, talent and enthusiasm are meaningless if you can’t fill in an application form properly, or submit a decent CV and covering letter. Read this guide to avoiding job application crimes and, with luck, you should stay out of trouble for the rest of your career.

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Successful applications

You’ve seen your ideal job and sent off for the application form only to find it leaves a big dent on your doorstep when it arrives. It’s huge and you’re having second thoughts about applying. Don’t be daunted. Read it through slowly and carefully. Chances are it’s not as horrendous as it looks at first

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Do the right thing

Employees are increasingly taking ethical considerations into account when deciding where to work. The expansion of the non-profit-making, environmental and charitable sectors means there are plenty of options for those who want to make a difference

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Room at the top

Wealth, power and influence – the allure of a senior business role is undeniable. If you have innovative ideas, the capacity to inspire others, boundless self-belief and plenty of raw ambition, you could become the next Richard Branson

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Interviews – Lady Howe

Lady Howe’s career has been something of a contradiction. A politician’s wife who left her job to play a supporting role, she is a vehement campaigner for women in the workplace. A Tory advocate of the Open University, she took her own degree at the famously left-of-centre London School of Economics. Over 20 years into

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Interviews – Richard Handover

When Richard Handover took over as WH Smith chief executive in 1997, few people expected the 53-year old to last long. Handover, who had been with the retailer for more than three decades, was regarded by critics as a time-server ill equiped to lead WH Smith into the Internet age. But Handover has confounded the

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Interviews – Jeffrey Shesol

Jeffrey Shesol, 30, worked as deputy chief speechwriter for US president Bill Clinton from 1998 – 2000. Before this he wrote books on political history and reviews and opinion pieces for magazines and newspapers. He also wrote and drew Thatch, a syndicated political comic strip that appeared daily in 150 US publications

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Interviews – Leslie Vik-Waddell

Leslie Vik Waddell is a 27-year-old entrepreneur who has been making the news. Vik Waddell set up her own jewellery business after gaining a first class degree from Middlesex University. She has worked alongside British designers such as Vivienne Westwood. Setting up alone has been far from easy, but well worth the effort as she

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Interviews – Telecoms – Andy Leech

Andy Leech, 25, joined Vodafone AirTouch after graduating three and a half years ago. He works in IT as a systems developer. With existing systems needing to be modified and new systems being brought in to cope with new advances in technology Andy says IT makes for an exciting career choice

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Interviews – Telecoms – Mike Caldwell

Mike Caldwell is director of corporate communications at the world’s largest mobile phone company, Vodafone AirTouch. Caldwell set up the company’s press office when he joined the company at its Newbury HQ in 1991 and now oversees a department of 12. He counts his career highlights as handling the public relations (PR) side of Vodafone’s

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Interviews – Telecoms – Michelle Burgess

Michelle Burgess works as a public relations (PR) officer for Vodafone AirTouch Group Services. The company sponsored her through university and offered her a job once she graduated. She says PR is a growing industry – especially the telecoms sector – and offers great prospects for graduates who can write well and have good communication

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Interviews – Telecoms – Phillipa Phelps

Phillipa Phelps is technical manager, telecoms, for the world’s largest mobile communications company Vodafone AirTouch. She manages a team that plans ahead to ensure the Vodafone network has enough capacity to meet the ever-growing demand from mobile phone users. She works in a fast-moving environment – but that is the way she likes it

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Interviews – Telecoms – Vicki Field

Vicki Field, 23, is a graduate human resources (HR) officer on a two-year graduate training scheme with Vodafone AirTouch. She joined the company in October 1998 after graduating from Durham University, where she studied combined social sciences. Vodafone employs 100 HR professionals across the UK

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