Interview Techniques

If you haven’t faced an interview for some time it can be a daunting prospect. One of the easiest ways to overcome interview paralysis is to thoroughly prepare beforehand.

  • The first step when you find out you have an interview is learn as much as you can about the company. Check the internet, news sites, get hold of a copy of their annual report and any company literature (most companies will happily provide this information). Be knowledgeable about the company so you can ask intelligent questions in the interview.
  • Preparation is the key. Plan your route to the interview, make sure you leave plenty of time and take a map.
  • Presentation means a lot. Make sure you have planned and prepared your outfit days, not hours before. Think carefully about the image you are projecting. Do you need a hair cut? Have you cleaned your shoes?
  • Before the interview make sure you have re-read your own application, considering and anticipating any questions they may have – do you have gaps in your CV? Why did you leave your last post? You can also prepare for typical interview questions ahead of the interview.
  • Remember first impressions count. Keep your body language positive, arms uncrossed with your body pointed at the interviewer. Try not to fiddle and look at whoever is asking you a question.
  • Keep positive and professional about former employers – no one wants to hear how horrible they were, it just reflects badly on you.
  • Keep your answers clear and succinct, don’t waffle but do explain yourself fully. Don’t make the interviewers drag information out of you. If you think something is relevant then mention it – you are selling yourself after all.
  • Finally, make sure you have prepared a few questions for the interviewer but remember this isn’t the time to ask about the staff canteen.

Leave the interview with a smile, handshake and a positive attitude. One last thing to keep in mind is that a company may be employing you but you are choosing where you want to work.

interview, jobsearch