CV Advice
Your curriculum vitae (CV) or resume is usually the first point of contact between you and a potential employer. You want to create the right impression so they take your application to the next level. If it has been some time since you last wrote a CV you may need a quick refresher on the best way to create a CV which really sells your skills.
- A CV provides a prospective employer with a summary of your education and experience. Sometimes you may be asked to complete an application form in place of or in addition to a CV.
- The purpose of your CV is not to get you the job. It is intended to get you an interview and remind the interviewer about your skills and experience. Remember you are writing your CV for the reader so make sure you put yourself in the reader’s shoes and write about what would interest them – leave out irrelevant or negative information.
- If you apply for a job where a CV is requested then make sure you follow the instructions within the job advertisement. Always send a covering letter with a CV which outlines why you are applying for the job.
- Your CV is all about you – your skills, qualifications and experience. It is your chance to really sell yourself to your employer. The aim is to get an interview, so you need to emphasise your strong points and if possible, tailor your CV to be relevant to the job you are applying for. Make sure your CV is up to date.
- To start writing a CV you need to gather factual information in relation to the jobs you have had, including dates and your qualifications, including grades. In addition, you need to think about the skills that you can offer.
- There is no set order for the headings in a CV, but you should always have your name and contact details at the top. Choose headings that present you in the most positive light. All CV’s need to include sections on your employment history, education and qualifications. However, you may want to present yourself using headings such as skills and achievements to demonstrate a breadth of experience.
- Including information about your personal interests will give a more rounded view of you as a person. Either include references or state that they are available on request.
- If you are finding it difficult to write your CV and feel that some professional help would be useful to go here for a professional CV writing services.
Presentation is key. Your CV should look good – no spelling or grammatical mistakes, typed and printed on good quality paper. A CV should be clear concise and preferably under 2 sides of A4.