Reinventing yourself

Sometimes, in order to change your career, you need to change yourself. There are many ways to do this – from attending a course or picking up a new skill to the wholesale reinvention of your character, appearance and attitude. So how far should you go?

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Tactics of selection: the psychometric test

With ever increasing competition for the best undergraduates, companies are introducing ever more sophisticated techniques to identify the top candidates for their annual intake quotas. Employers are increasingly looking towards psychometric testing to assist in achieving the closet possible fit between their needs and the candidate’s qualities

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Personality tests: why bother?

  The government has recently announced that in its campaign against elitism, judges are to be given personality tests to assess their suitability. But for some time now, large organisations have been increasingly relying on such tests to achieve a better fit between people and jobs. In the first of a series of articles, we

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