Interviews – Wesley Ball

Working in a political organisation Wesley Ball, 22, works for Britain in Europe, a cross-party coalition that exists to promote the European Union, the single currency and Britain’s part in European affairs. It also co-operates with Trade Unions in the voluntary sector. Members include Tony Blair, Robin Cook, Charles Kennedy and Michael Heseltine

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Napoleon Bonaparte

Where did it all go wrong? From military prodigy to exile and death in St Helena. But what a sparkling career you had in between. Perhaps you should have made the switch from fighting to banking while you had the chance, especially since you were good at maths.

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Falling from grace

What is it that causes the mighty to fall? Why do so many of the ultra successful perish as a result of their own misjudgment? We take a look at some of the sufferers of this phenomenon of success You will not be surprised to hear that Sigmund Freud had a theory about this. In

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Ken Livingstone

You’ve won the race to become London’s first directly-elected mayor and your brand of socialism with a cheeky face has earned you a place in British political history books. What the years ahead will determine is whether this is a paragraph or a whole chapter. You are an unashamed populist; and populist leaders tend to

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Reinventing yourself

Sometimes, in order to change your career, you need to change yourself. There are many ways to do this – from attending a course or picking up a new skill to the wholesale reinvention of your character, appearance and attitude. So how far should you go?

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Being political

What kind of political animal are you? In management circles a theory exists that other things being equal, two important qualities for achieving success within an organization are political sophistication and integrity. It is how these gifts are used that determine how a person will act, and how effective they will be.

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