Perfect @ e-mail

  Email etiquette – or ‘Netiquette’ – is causing traditional letters writers to scratch their heads in consternation. For in less than five years, the advent of electronic mail has thrown many writing conventions out of the virtual window. Even Debrett’s has recognised the dilemma and addressed the problem it in its 1996 Guide to

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McCormack on negotiating

Summary In an easy-to-read and economical style, Mark McCormack, the US founder and chief executive of global sports marketing company International Management Group (IMG), presents a collection of his insights into the complex world of business negotiation. McCormack on negotiating is an engaging and useful step-by-step guide to the most important aspects of cutting a

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Liar’s Poker

If someone had tried to sell me the true-life story of a ‘Big Swinging Dick’ I’d have nodded politely while I reached for the mace. If they’d then explained that this particular B.S.D. was a bond salesman on Wall Street, I’d have been far less scared but no more interested. Luckily a friend insisted I

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