Different types of personality test

  The world of personality (or psychometric) tests is rich with models. Not the Naomi Campbell variety, but theories that govern an approach to asking candidates and employees about how they make decisions, live their lives and behave in certain situations. This article looks at some of the models and explains their rationale

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Personality tests: why bother?

  The government has recently announced that in its campaign against elitism, judges are to be given personality tests to assess their suitability. But for some time now, large organisations have been increasingly relying on such tests to achieve a better fit between people and jobs. In the first of a series of articles, we

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Writing a CV

The CV  (Resume) is your own personal marketing document and deserves the utmost care and attention. Keep it up to date and each time you apply to an employer check that it is tailored to the job specification. Most CVs are speed-read in about 60 seconds, so limit yourself to one page and make sure

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Preparing for a job interview

  Job interviews are a two-way process. They offer an opportunity for the candidate, as well as the prospective employer, to ask questions. Asking the right questions can help candidates find the right job with the right company Being well prepared for a job interview can make all the difference. Doing homework on the company

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So You Want to be an Expat? How to Get a Job Abroad

At some point or another, almost everyone has fantasized about packing up and spending some time in another country. Maybe you’ve got the itch to live in a different climate, to try different foods or to become bilingual. Whatever the reason, if you’ve decided you’re ready to give things a try in another country, you likely have one major concern: employment.

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